Screw me up, I can't remember how many month I took to complete this kit. All I remember i build it, keep it back in the box before sanding it, build the PG Wing and paint it, built couple of HG kit and keep back in box, until really I can't stand to see the box of this kit lying on my table for too long and finally, I decide to took it out, sand it properly before painting and "vowla!!!", here we have it complete.
One of the Seed Gat-X series mobile suit that really impressed me. It got shield, mount with beam rifle, beam saber and some sort of missile equals to deadly. I guess GN Sword one concept was from this because this come FIRST!!! (for Seed haters) Just kidding and no offend for that. But when it lost it right arms, that's too bad. As for the hook on the left hand, I still don't have any idea why they need a "hook" weapon mount on the high tech mobile suit in that era where they can just aim and shoot "target lock down and eliminated", as simple as that. Why not the left arms have the same weapon as the right arms I was wondering. Mirage colloid, damn this is the coolest technology that I think every mobile suit should have it but I guess if everyone fighting using this technology in the show, we might just watching a beam effect show "Lol". The design of this kit was awesome actually, it balance up everything from the chest, arms, legs, backpack, and even the head unit. It will be a base foundation for any modification especially the back pack but the original one was just too nice to be sacrifice and the design just close any possibilities for backpack modification without sacrificing it.
21st century MG kit, no worry about the technology or design on this MG kit. Articulation, best but no perfect as there are still some plate armor blocking the movement. Design wise, no heavy backpack but the right arms seems a bit heavy which might cause slight imbalance on the kit but don't worry, slightly tighter some joints and it will stand and pose well. As usual, I can said no masking is require since all parts with difference colors are molded separately. As for the detail, nothing to worry on the inner part and as for the outer part you may add on some spices to make it more nasty. I like the way of some of the sliding armor that expose the inner frame which it use as the release of mirage colloid mode. As for the customization, that leave to your own imagination and now I will let the picture speak for the rest of the story.